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Privacy Info & Policy

Albums Available!

All our albums are available to buy on CD!
Get yours now from our Swing Commanders Shop is owned and operated by The Swing Commanders western swing band. The Swing Commanders are committed to the protection of your privacy whilst online using our site and the personal data that you share with us.

Information we collect

Shop (Paypal): we collect information that is needed to administer and deliver the transaction, this is not added to our email list or shared in any other way.

Contact Form: name and address information is used only for the communication/ query initiated by the user. We do not add contact form information to our email list.

Mailchimp Email List: our mailchimp sign-up has a double opt-in (your inclusion on the list is not activated until you confirm via an email we send you) and may be unsubscribed from using a link from any email we send you. The mailchimp list is exclusively for the communicating with the Swing Commander audience: news about the band members, new recordings and gigs.

No information we collect is sold or shared with any other organisation or company.


Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer by websites that you visit. They are widely used in order to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to the owners of the site.
We do not use any cookies that are essential for pages to operate. You can use various tools to block those cookies if you wish, including adjusting your browser settings or using browser add-ons.

We do not store any data relating to the personal identity of general site visitors in cookies.

Third Party Cookies

Third Party cookies are employed for many services on the web. In Swing Commanders case, they make it possible for us to embed video (YouTube) and audio (Soundcloud) content to users.
We cannot prevent these sites, or external domains, from collecting information on your usage of this embedded content. If you are not logged in to these external services then they will not know who you are but are likely to gather anonymous usage information eg number of views, plays and loads.

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